Ivan and Charika Corea, Chair of the Autism of the Autism Awareness Campaign UK have called on Prime Minister Tony Blair
- during Autism Awareness Week 2004 - to provide the personalisation of public services for the 520,000 Autistic Community
and the 90,000 autistic children in the United Kingdom.
Many adults and children with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome are suffering as a result of not having public services
in health, education, specialist speech therapy and respite care. Discrimination is taking place in 2004, even in Autism Awareness
Week, despite such legislation as the DDA and the RR(A) Acts. Some councils deliberately withhold public services to
people with autism on the grounds of cost.
'We are asking Tony Blair, empower us, give us control over funding - a personalised, individual, tailor - made package
so that parents, carers and autists can shop around for badly needed public services,' said Ivan Corea. A Personalised package
will give people with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome control over their lives, it will offer better choice and alternatives.
'It will give our children hope and access to structured support. This is far better than having no public services at all,'
he said.
According to the Autism Awareness Campaign UK such a move will also sharpen councils, social services, local education
authorities and NHS Trusts who will not be able to take the Autistic Community for granted.